How much does a commercial water loss cost?
8/31/2023 (Permalink)
Even in the most dire of circumstances, when a property manager is looking at multiple floors of severe water damage still trickling through the floors and the ceilings, we've had them stop us from getting started with a deceptively simple question: "before we get started, how much is this going to cost?"
We wish we could answer that question exactly, in the moment, every single time. It would make many people's lives easier to know the exact costs and scopes of the project as soon as we set foot on the premises.
The fact of the matter is, though, is that answering that question is like answering the question "how long is a piece of string?" Every single loss is different, and the factors influencing cost are complex.
In these situations, we typically explain the following: "right now, we need to stop the bleeding and stabilize the environment, and that work needs to happen no matter what. We'll work up a scope for you alongside that effort, but if we don't get started now, this damage is only going to get worse and worse."